As a tradition, people like to make diverse promises when a new year is born. Those are called 'resolutions'. Personally, I (Mr. Carpio) do that during the first hours of my birthday (April 11... start saving some money for my presents, guys), but, in order to participate with you, I will join you and share some of my resolutions for 2011... I mean, 2010!
Soooooooooooo... go ahead and tell me about your GOOD purposes for this new year.
12 comentarios:
I promise to take better care of myself. For example, in the past I never paid real attention to my car and sometimes I wasn't sure of when I needed to get new tires or to check the air pressure, etc. I should start being more concerned about my personal safety.
I promise I will try to be more organized and have my stuff in order (I know this is a tough one... that's why I said I will try).
I promise I am going to be writing more stories than during 2009... maybe as much as 2008 (I wrote a lot that year) or more! Also, I promise I will participate in local literature contests sending stories of mine.
I promise I will be a better teacher and a better friend for my kids. You know I feel lots of love and respect for all of you, guys... and I need to show that every single day because I really care abou you.
I promise I will do my best to answer any question you ask.
I promise I will do everything that is on my power to help you develop those amazing reading and writing skills we all need.
I promise to take all of my TAKS commended performers to eat with me at La Madeleine, an awesome Frenck bakery place in Las Colinas. If all of you get a commended score it will be even better. I don't care if I spend a thousand dollars... you will make me happy (the more, the merrier).
And now... what are you promising, guys? :)
Mr. Carpio
Yo este año boy a ser mas ordenado y ser mas cuidadoso con loque ago.Tambien boy a ser mas educado con mis cosas.
Yo este año tambien boy alabarme mis dientes este año mas diario.tambien mi familia ba a bisitarme en mi cumpleaños.
Jose gomez
Yo prometo ser bueno y no meterme en tantos problemas y no peliarme con otras personas.Y ser un paco mas mejor en soccer, y pasar la bola.
Yo prometo sacarme buenas calificasiones en los examen.Ser mas ordenado y cuidadoso con las cosas que hago.Y poner mas atension a mis tareas y trabajos que hago.
Yo prometo leer mucho y llenar mi ''Riding log''Y que mis historias que haga que tengan prinsipio,medio y final.Y escribir limpio y organisado.Y ser idependiete de mi cosas.
Yo prometo leer mejor lo que escribo.Y ponele atencion a el taks.Y poner atencion a mis maestros.
I promise to be more intelegent .I promise to follow instructions.last
year I wasent a good reader so I promise to be a good reader this year.I promise to take a good care
of my self and take care of my family and not fight with my brothers.I promise Im not going to brake windows this year
jason vazquez
Yo prometo ser mejor que Mr.Carpio en soccer. Yo prometo que boy aser grande. Yo prometo ser entelijente. Yo prometo escribir bien. Yo prometo estudiar de todo. Yo prometo hablar bien. Yo prometo boy aser grande. Yo promto aser fiesta. Yo prometo tocar guitara. Yo prometo dies hermanos. Yo prometo jugar mucho.
My Christmas Break
At my Christmas I was watching out the widow of any smow wud fall from the sky.But after a while snow fell from the sky.I ask my causan Margarita if she wanted to build a snow men.She sed yes,so we belt a snow men.and so we finished our snow men.Then we whent inside my house where it was warm.So time wen't along.Later on evrybody open ther presents.It was a happy Christmas Eve
For my resolution in 2010 I promise to be a better daughter, sister, friend, and student I will have to work harder and better, to do all that.I will start doing my chores in the house and cleaning my room.I will start being a better sister by playing with my youngest sister and helping her in school.I will start being more as a friend no more fighting and no more being mean i will be very honest with my friends.And to be a great student i will have to try my best that means that I will stop fooling around and start working seriosly and do my homework, listen and be the best I can be and if i do all that i might even be Top Bruin.:)
What i did durring vacationes.
In my chrismas break i did on my hause a party and we go in a place that they sale things like television,games,teacheart,pants,
and toys.In chrismaspresent i get a MP3,cd player,one joket,ywo pants,one pare of shoes and for my sister a MP3,one joket,two pants,one pare of shoes and a thing that connect in a tv and you sing songs.In happy new year wi did noting in that happy new year picause we dont't jof money that.
I promise to help my mom whith things she neads whith.Because how she helps me Im going to help her.
I promise to help my sisters whith there home work.
I promise to pas the taks test.So that I can go to 5th grade.
I promise to do the things my mom tells me to do. Well I do them but I whant to do more things.
I promise to better in scince than I was in the year 2009.
I promes that im not going to be in problems in school or at the house,oure wher I go.
I promise oder things.
sup Mr.Carpio how is your class this year?.ha u look funy w/ ur hair cut off jajaja
I am going to try to work out more so I can become a more active person
Hola Mr.Carpio tengo una pregunta,e hacido un blog,estoy tratando de poner una foto pero no se como.Me peudes ayudar PORFAVOR?!?!
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