Breaks are always nice, aren't they? Some free time allows us doing several productive things that we normally can do only on weekends. In addition, it is an excellent oportunity to spend more time with our families.Some people - like me - love travelling and try to leave town and visit different places (I didn't go anywhere this time just because I am planning on going to Peru in January... more details coming later).
Others enjoy waking up late and staying at home.
Many others use the time to go shopping, especially now because the holidays are so close. I heard that some persons (mainly girls) can be at the mall many times during the same week. Do you think that is true, guys? I refuse to believe...
I will share with you later what I did during the Thanksgiving break (you already know, but it is more fun when you write it). I'll tell you about my lazy days at home (always with a good book, of course), all the restaurants I visited (Greek food, Indian food, Thai food, YUMMY!), and my crazy Black Friday.
Are you ready to share?
Mr. Carpio
PS: This is the BEST video I have seen in the last weeks. A friend of mine let me know about it: look at the awesome Muppets singing and performing one of the most legendary and classic songs/videos - originally written by Queen -. This is called 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Enjoy it!
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I would like to share what I did on my Thanksgiving break. On Saturday I went to Grapevine Mills mall all day long. I was trying to get all my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving because then the malls get really crazy. On Sunday I went to some other department stores like Toys “R” Us, Kohls, Best Buy, and so on.
Monday was suppose to be the FIRST day that I was suppose to be able and sleep in late. Instead of sleeping in late I went to have breakfast at a restaurant called Le Peep. After that I went to do some errands and then I headed out to the stores again. This time I went to a shopping center in Arlington and I went to the Parks Mall.
On Tuesday I went to my old school to go visit my students from last year. It was so good to see them and see how much they have grown. Then I stayed there for many hours talking and visiting the teachers. Then I went home to pick up my mom and we went to go do a couple of things and we went to Best Buy again.
On Wednesday I woke up late…wow….I don’t remember what I did on Wednesday. All I do remember is that later that night I went to buy some groceries because I was going to start baking some desserts for the next day. I baked a while that night.
On Thursday I woke up late, showered, and went to my Grandma’s house to have lunch. I tried not to eat a lot as I knew I was going to eat again later. I was there with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Then later at night we got together at my house and we at AGAIN! We ate, we watched TV then we went to the Allen outlets at midnight to go shopping. Yei!!! I waited in a huge long line to go in to the Coach store. I finally got in and bought what I wanted. I like to shop and I am PATIENT about it. Unlike this other girl, she couldn’t wait…she got in a fight with another girl and she broke her jaw over a purse. Crazy, huh? Yes I know. I got home like at 6 a.m. and I went to sleep.
On Friday, I woke up late and went to the Allen outlets AGAIN! Yes, I know…I know…I love shopping.
On Saturday, I woke up and went to my friend’s house so she could dye my hair. Then I went to Grapevine Mills mall again! Hopefully that was the last time On Sunday, things went back to normal. I woke up, went to church, went to eat breakfast, came to school to drop off my Christmas decorations, then I went to watch the Nutcracker, I went to eat again and that was the end of my day.
I really enjoyed all my shopping and time with my family. Shopping makes me forget about my problems and that is why I love shopping. It makes me relax. So that is what I did for the break!
In my vacations I went to my grandmas house and my uncle Timo (my moms brother)took me to see a movie.It was the 2nd movie of Twiligt and it was called"new moon.I loved the ending but im hoping to read the books too.anyway, after that the next day my dad
to be continued...........
Mis vacaciones con la familia
En mis vacaciones de Accion de Gracias yo fui con mi tia Devora.Pase toda la semana haya en la casa de ella.Pero le pedi permiso a mi mama Elizabeth y me habia dicho que ''si''.Me fui con mi tia,llegamos y le pregunte a mi tio Francisco que si podiamos ir a comer pizza y el me respondio que ''si''.continuare despues.
Yo en mis vacaciones a jugar soccer con mi papa.Ganamos 3-2 despues seledbramos y comimos tocos.Despues de que me bañe fuimos con mi abuelo Mario y isimos intercombios ami me toco mi prima Julia.Despues jugamos con mi tio Imeldo ''xbox 360'' el juego ''smackdwn vs raw'' 2010.Llegamos ala casa comoalas 10:00 p.m.. Al otro dia fuimos a jugar y ganamos 4-3 y selebramos porque ya se acabo la temporada de soccer.
Mi papa nos llebo a la comida china abian unas comidas muy raras y unas sabian rico y otras sabian feo luego cuando nos ibamos a mi casa abian muchos carros nos tardamo 20 minutos llegamos a mi casa y nos fuimos a dormir
luego despues de 2 dias mi papa nos llebo al acuario abian animales muy raros abian tiburones pinguinos espero que les guste Melissa
En Accion de Gracias, Yo fui a Las Vegas con mi familia. Mis abuelos viven en Las Vegas. Yo fui en una avion a visitar mis abuelos. Mis abuelos estaban felis por verme. Yo no los miraron en tres meses. En accion de gracias Yo comi con mis familias un turkey.Yo fui con mi ermano enla tienda y combre cosas. william sanchez
Lo que ise en mis vacasiones el sabado juge con mis amigos en un parque futbol.EL domingo fui con mi hermano y sus amigos al ''mall'' y vimos una pelicula que se llama ''NOW MOON''.EL jueves un amigo de mi papa nos invito a comer pavo con tamales de Guatemala con ensalada rusa.EL viernes mi mama mi hermano y yo fuimos a walmart por ''Black Friday'' yo me compre una bicicleta de 40 dollares que yo tenia y otras cosas.El sabado vi smack down y Raw y luego juge con un amigo bicicletas y fuimos a su casa y jugamos play station2 con un juego llamado ''DRAGON BOLL Z''.EL domingo fuimos a la pulga y vimos perros buldog y otras rasas y mas cosas.
There are so many things I wanted to have done this free week. I decided to stay in town after knowing that I will need to ask for permission at work to be absent for a few days in January. My cousin is getting married, so I will have to be in Lima. Well, let's try to do as many things as we can this week!, I though.
Unfortunately, it was not as productive as I believed. Some days I woke up late and some others I woke up early, but I was always staying in my room either watching TV or playing with the laptop. You know, I read the news on-line, I watch music and funny videos on-line, I look for information about coming concerts on-line and I buy stuff on-line (Ebay and Amazon rock!). It is really easy to spend hours, days, weeks, months (ok, maybe that is too much) in front of the computer...
... and all of that without mentioning Facebook!
I went shopping on the first weekend (Sunday) to a wonderful place I didn't know before: a J C penney Outlet located on... oops, I forgot the name of the city! I will need to ask my friend, who told me initially about it. I was SO happy!!! I purchased several pieces of clothes, including a Metallica's t-shirt (Master of Puppets), an AC/DC t-shirt (Back in Black) some other polos and even a jacket.
I think the most exciting part of having so much free time is that I was able to visit different restaurants with diverse kinds of food. I went to have breakfast to one of my favorite places in Las Colinas (with a French name) on Monday, I had Vietnamese lunch on Tuesday after washing my car (one of those things that I needed to do for a long time), I had Greek lunch on Wednesday with other three friends from work and I had Indian food on Thursday night while almost everyone else in the States were having their Thanksgiving dinner. It was one of the only two places that were open that night (the other one was Steak & Shake).
(For next year I need to remember that I should get food much earlier if I want to eat a hamburger or anything else).
During Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) I went to Wal-Mart with a friend of mine in order to obtain good deals in electronics. People were standing in different lines (A, B, C, D, etc.) depending on what they wanted to buy. However, it was cool because it was inside the store and we didn't have to feel any cold. We were in line K and after many hours (from 1:40 AM to 5 AM) of chatting with people we didn't know... we each obtained a very nice 42" plasma TV.
I have no complaints. It was a good week. I relaxed a lot... OHHHHHH, I also received a proffesional massage. That was really relaxing!
Mr. Carpio
El vien yo fui a la iglesi y la iglesi se cava a las 7:45pm y cuando se termino me fui a la casa y cuando llegue me puse vre novelas o veo caricaturas en el canal 68.2 cuando se ca cavo una novelas mepuse aleer y cuanbo termine fui aver otraves la tele y cuanbo eran las 10:00pm me fui a costar.El savodo me le vante a las
7:00am y prendi la tele para ver mifa vorito caricaturas en el canal 33.1 y ayi sa le yinyateros, Sonic, yugigo, wisclub y cuando se caba yo veo el canal 49.1 y sale peliculas puenas y yo estba con mi "bobysiter" y cuando mi mama reglesa
En mis vacaciones yo me levante y me llamo mi mama Magali que le dijiera bye a mi papa Ruben por que ya se iba al trabajo despues se fue y me dijo mi mama magali que mi yia Nora nos habia envitado a desayunar a "Dennys" y que si queria ir.
Y le dije que si. Y rapido fui a despertar a mi hermana Kathy y le dije lo me habia dicho mi mama magali y despues yo me fui a vestir, me lave la cara y me puse el sueter y al fin todos estaban listos y esperamos a mi tia Nora y al fin llego y mi hermana Kathy y yo Ruben fuimos a subirnos a la camioneta y mi mama Magali serro la puerta del apartamentoyse fue a la camioneta y mientras llegabamos a "Dennys" yo iba jugandoo con mi mi prima Ashley y llegamos y nos dijieron que que queriamos para desayunar y le dijimos que 3 platos junior y nos dieron la mesa para sentarnos y nos dieron de tomar y llegaron los platillos que habiamos ordenado y de ahi nos fuimos al centro comerrcial del Grevine y fuimos al "Radio shak'y compramos una camar para la computadora para ver a mis primos Alex, Valeria y Maria y despues compramos ropa y volvimos a la casa y fuimos a "Wal*Mart" y compramo un pino natural y volvimos y lo pusimo y lo decoramos y llego mi papa y le hicimos de comer despues lei un libro y me sepille los dientes y me fui a dormir eso ise en mis vacaciones.
Ruben Torres...Eso ise en mis vacaciones.
When it was friday at 2 pm Iwas relly happy because we were going to be a week to be at home.When I got home my mom Carmen had to go to work.When it was midnight I was really exited because she told us when she arrived from home we were going to go to Houston,Texas.The next day I woke up and told my dad Ruben if I could play with my friend Flash we were having so much fun that I could not breath.It was Thanks giving we eight Chiken because there were no turkey in that day it we were celebrating my brothers birthday we eight rice,soup,cake and beans.I watch the classic of Barcelona and Real Madrid I was nervios that Barcelona was going to lose then Islatan made the goal I was really happy Barcelona won like my teacher Mr.Carpio.
When it was friday at 2 pm Iwas relly happy because we were going to be a week to be at home.When I got home my mom Carmen had to go to work.When it was midnight I was really exited because she told us when she arrived from home we were going to go to Houston,Texas.The next day I woke up and told my dad Ruben if I could play with my friend Flash we were having so much fun that I could not breath.It was Thanks giving we eight Chiken because there were no turkey in that day it we were celebrating my brothers birthday we eight rice,soup,cake and beans.I watch the classic of Barcelona and Real Madrid I was nervios that Barcelona was going to lose then Islatan made the goal I was really happy Barcelona won like my teacher Mr.Carpio.
Fuimos yo acabe de comer y me fui a jugar con mi prima Yosselin. Luego dijo mi tia que era hora de irnos a la casa. Llegamos a la casa y nos quedanos viendo la television y luego nos fuimos a dormir como a las 10:00 pm. El miercoles nos levantamos a las 9:30am. Almorzamos huevo estrellado como ella dice,pero a mi me gusta llamarlos ''huevos aguados''. Luego fuimos a la tienda a comprar el pan del cheese cake. Entonces lo iso mi tia Nayeli.Luego lo metio al orno. Lo saco y lo puso en el refrigerador. Luego nos dormimos. El jueves isimos el pavo y nos fuimos con mi papa a comer el pavo con la familia. Luego comimos postre. Entonces nos fuimos cuando mi familia hya se habia ido.Pero los demas dias eran iguales hacer la tarea y leer
En mis vacaciones yo me levante y fui a desirle bye a mi papa Ruben que ya se iba al trabajo y mi mama Magali me dijo que mi tia Nora nos habia envitado a desayunar a "Dennys" y me fui a vestir y mi hemana tambien y esperamos a mi tia Nora y llego y mi hermana Kathy y yo RubenJr fuimos a subiernos a la camioneta y mi mama cerro el apartamento y fuimos a "Dennys" y pedimos lo que queriamos y despues comimos y de ahi fui al "Greivine Mills Moll" y compramos una camara para la computadora para ver a miis primos Alex Mari valeria y pato y nos fuimos a la casa Ruben Torres.../eso hise en mis vacaciones..
In my weekend in thangsgiving i ate allot.I ate meatballs muffins pie chiken alfredo sphageti and ribs.Then the next day i went to see the movie new moon it was ausum.My mom asked me if i was a monster i wood be werewolf then she said ya because you have a big nose. In blackfriday i went to get a video camera for my chritmas present.Because christmas is right away in the corner.
In thanksgiving break on monday y went to my cosins berthday. In jer jause en she decoraded al of the jause of barbies, en she loves barbies she jaf a colection of dalls en barbies.In tusday y estaed jome end y ditint do nothing in all weeck.
In my vacations I go to Chicago,Illinois. To visit my family and my cousin are call Esteban and Jorge they treat me nice and to my little brother bad. in Thrusday we celebrate Thanks Giving in my ant house. I eat so many ribs,mash potatoes it was so good I couldn't stop eating ribs of barebecue. My cousing Mario help me fix my PSP.
Everybody have fun. In friday we go to eat Mexican food ant my ant Silvia go with us. In saturday we go to the center of Chicago we get to see the big buldings. In sunday we go to the biggest tower of chicago and is call the Willis Tower. But after we got out we go to eat chinnese Food Finally we got home. It was time to leave so i say good by to my Family. in Monday we arrive in Irving.
Sabado yo fui al cine aber la del
pelicula de 2012 y me gusto porque ellos isieron una nueva isla y tambienjuge plaistation.Fui al Irving mall.
Domingo yo bañe a mi perrita mientras mi ermana secaba a mi perrita yo bañe a mi gata y cuando las 2 se secron juge con ellas con mi perrita Zodiak y mi gata Micaela.
Lunes el lunes fuimos acomer mi familia mi abuela mi ermana mi mama
mi papa y yo.
Martes yo fui apasear por el dauntaun con mi mama mi papa mi abuela mi ermana y yo.
Miercoles fui alcine a ber la pelicula dehis col miusical 3.
Jueves fue mi dia favorito por que era el dia del pava y mi papa i so un pavo ben rico con arros ygandules.
Hola mr carpio lo que yo ise en mis vacaciones que fueron 7 diaz el lunes me quede con la baby siter su nombre es daysi despues nos fuimos en la biciqleta toda la tarde y es ise con daysi lunes martes y miercoles el jueves me fui de vacaciones a lubbok con mis primos bueno pues mi papa manejo 5 horas de irving a lubbokcuando llegamos mis primos estaban afuera mi tia tambien estaba afueranos cuando nos bajamos de la troca mi tia nos dijo que nos habia hecho galletas,paste,y "cheescakes" y estaban riquisimos y mi tia los habia hecho despues comimos carne hasadaera el dia del pavo pero no comimos pavo comimo carne hasada con frijoles charros . El viernes por la mananadesayunamos y despues nos fuimos al mol me compraron una cadena que dice la letra k de karla despues fuimos al pparque y habia un columpio de palosdespues fuimos ala casa y nos fuimos al cine y bimos la de aliens in the attic e.El sabado por la manana nos binimos para irving nos binimos alas 11:00 y llegamos alas 4:00.El domingofuimos con el amigo de mi mama despues comimos tostadas despues nos fuimos ala casa y nos dormimo porque el lunes Deregreso al ESCUELA.
This week of thanksgiving i didnt celebrate thanksgiving insted i went to Monterrey.When i whent to Monterrey i visit my family but the one i visit the moust it was my baby causent.The whoul week i whent to Monterrey i eat ''tacos'',hamburgers,''menudo'',cotoncandy and ''pan de dulce''.I Monterrey i visit my unclus grave and my grandma and grampas grave to. In Monterrey i whent to ''Santa Lucia'' which is like a museum but is moust like to a family to walk around.I whent to the ''Santuario''which is a church that has the''Virgen de Guadalupe''.When i whent to the''Santuario'' ther was ''Talia'' the singer and the ''Payazonicos'' clouns they wher singing the ''Mananitas''.The next day in the ''Santuario''they wher ''Matachines'' they are pepol that dance until ther detenation moustly they go to church.
On Monday i when to to my home after that my stepdad took me to Toys r s he bot me a rubiks magic then we when to chilis the line was long the wierd thing is that when we wher the first people there my rubiks magic brouck i was so MAD i whaned to su toys r s after i finishd eating we went to adidas outlet store we bote ALLOT of suff then we whent to my hous then i whent to sleep. on Tuesday my mmom askd if i whaned to go to the grainval mall or the irving mall i desaided to go to the grainval mall its biger an has more suff imediatle when i enterd the mall there was this SCARE loking clown my vigest nghe mair was there i tried to imitate the clown but it was son SCARE but i past him after mi msoure i when to game stop and they bout me a wii and to othere ganes but i forgot there name and a when to my home enden i when to sleep. Wednesday i whent to towns like waco, sherman to visit mi cousins and play socer end then gues what go to sleep. Thursday was the big day my mom makes the BEST and the BIGEST pumpkin pie but what i dont like is that it takes for ever enthen i get realy mad when i dont eat after 10 hours it was ready then i fainaly eat then i when to sleep. Friday they bote me a game calld fifa street for my x box 360 then my mom when to family dolar to buy new stuff for my new house the i when to sleep
Yo todas mis vacaciones me la pase en mi cuarto jugando FIFA 2010 pero me gusto un partido porque puse BARCELONA VS REAL MADRID y yo era BARCELONA. Asi meti el gol mas interesante del partido. Henry se la llevo desde la otra porteria y en la media cancha se la paso a Messi. Messi les hiso a 3 jugadores una jugada llamada el jarabe tapatillo. Se la paso a Xavi y no fue fuera de lugar entonces tiro y metio un !GOL!.Tambien meti otro gol Henry se la llevo y se la paso a Xavi y el se la paso a Ibrahimobick y el se la llevo y el portero salio y Ibrahimobick la paso para atras a Henry y el se la llevo y apunto cuando se iva a salir la pelota a saque lateral hiso un centro expectacular a la pelota dio una curva a Xavi.Nadamas hiso un toque a la pelota para hacer una jugada llamada sombrerito reboto en el poste y Messi corrio y hiso un cañonaso que el portero nadamas se quedo viendo nadamas a la pelota llegar al fondo de la portria.Hasta se cayo Messi y tambien Cassillas de ese cañonaso que hasta le dio chanfle a la pelota esos dos fueron los unicos goles y tambien los goles iniciales del partido.Entonces BARCELONA le gano a REAL MADRID 2-O
I would like to share what I did on my thanksgiving wen I got up of bed I had to take a bath. To the thanksgiving dinner they had to buy me a new dress I never liked the dress. But at the end I had to use the I eat whith my family have of my family or at I eat whith my unco in Texas ''Eduardo'' they or the only part of my family we eat at my house...I was sooo happy wen I saw the turki. we playid or you smarter than a 4 grader the was fun,fabulos,amasign okay that is away to far.
En mis bacaciones el lunes bimos una pelicula yamada zombi land y comimos tortas de jamon y despues nos fuimos a dormir. El martes fuimos con mi tio a Dalas en la tarde como alas cinco de la tarde fuimos al cine comimos palomitas de mais, cocacola, idulces,ymas. El miercoles nos fuimos a 'Huston' con mis tios compramos para el camino soda, dulces, tortas, y mas cuando yegamos a "Huston" mis primas jugamos. EL juebes compramos un pabo para comer ypure ymascosas.
MIS vacaciones estaba muy divertida por que el lunes estaba jugando con mi hermana y hermano josephin,emily y jose .El jueves me levante a las 8 y fui con mi papi a traer a mi tio que vino desde Chicago. Luego nos estabamos vistiendo para ir con mi tio y tia para comer pavo y cuando llegamos estaba jugando com mis primas michel y dulce .Luego el viernes fuimos con mi papi y mi tio a traer para comer .Comimos luego yo me vesti y estaba jugando .El sabado fuimos a ver el equipo de mi tio despues sus amigos vinieron a ver la casa luego todos se fueron El domingo mi tio se fue mi papi fue al mcdonals para comprar de comer y luego estaba jugando con mi perra Sombra y luego estaba jugando con josephin,emily y jose y fuimos a fuera para jugar con nuestra amiga Jasmin y estaba jugando.Luego me meti luego me vesti tambien josephin,emily y jose luego nos dormimos
Yo en mis vacasiones en accion de gracias fui a los estados de los COWBOYS a comprar cosas de los cowboys y cuando acabamos de comprar nos fuimos a la pulga a comprar yse hico de noche y empeso a llover y nos fuimos ala casa y nos dormimos.El viernesen la manananos fuimos ala calle a comprar al mol y llegamos ala casa alas 3:00pm y cuando llegamos ala casa hicimos de comer para mi papa y cuando mi papa llego comimos con el y llo me vane en la noche y me dormi.El sabado en la manana comin me cambie y me fui ala calle y regresamos hasta la noche y ma dormi.El domingo nos fuimos todo el dia en la calle...
Sebastian Molina
Mis vacaciones
Yo el sabado jugue con mi psp.Luego mi mama me dijo que ibamos a recojer a mis primos de su casa.Despues que los recojimos.Y luego regresamos a mi casa, le tomo muho tiempo a mi mama para recojer a Miguel y a Ricardo.
In my thanksgiving break i did aiot of stuff.Well first aballi went and stayed in my grandperents houes for the week.Theni wacht my fabrit telavition shose like Hannha Montana and icarly.Then for are thanksgiving diner we ate terkey,smash patato,mac and chees and pumkin pie.Then all the famaly wacht 3 movies.
It is my first time here. I just wanted to say hi!
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