- Memories: early, earlier, and recent.
- Obsessions.
- Problems.
- Dreams.
- Understandings.
- Confusions.
- Passions.
- Sorrows.
- Risks.
- Accomplishments.
- Fears.
- Worries.
- Fantasies.
- Family, close and distant.
- Friends, now and then.
- Favorites, now and then.
- Teachers, now and then.
- Places: school, camp, trips, times away with friends and relatives.
- Hobbies.
- Sports.
- Games.
- Music.
- Books.
- Poems.
- Songs.
- Movies.
- Writers and artists.
- Food.
- Pet peeves.
- Beloved things - objects and possessions - now and then.
- All the loves of your life.
I will share MY POEM during the weekend. Will you share yours here, please?
Mr. Carpio
23 comentarios:
My Writing Territories
I am from Lima, Peru.
I am a teacher.
I am from a family where I am the oldest brother.
I am from eating a lot of different types of fodd.
I am from travelling around the world.
I am from hating pork.
I am from living by soccer.
I am from getting terrified by rats.
I am from NOT enjoying salsa, bachata, merengue, norteño, rap or hip hop music (sorry, Ms. A).
I am from adoring MetallicA, AC/DC and Iron Maiden.
I am from spending tons of time on Facebook.
I am from preferring donuts than bagels for breakfast.
I am from where people do not dance or cook.
I am from Edgar Allan Poe's scary stories and from Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction stories.
I am from being a fan of DC superheroes.
I am from teaching 20 kids.
I am from saying jokes.
I am from still being single.
I am from being addicted to Dexter and Supernatural.
I am from watching horror movies.
I am from remembering and missing the OLD Transformers.
I am from always supporting Barcelona FC.
I am from a Science Fiction era.
I am from appreciating good music, good movies and good food.
I am from Reading & Writing.
I am from being a character in the movie 'The Godfather'.
I am NOT from 'Footballmania'.
I am from the Twilight Zone.
I am from a yellow world.
I am from where people drink Coke and not Pepsi nor Dr. Pepper.
Mr. Carpio
I am from Dallas,Texas
I am from eating chips and coke
Iam from having friends
I am from speaking a little bit of Japanesse
I am being 9 years old
I am liking traveling
I am from eating 200 Chocalate Bars
I am from seing scary movies
I am from seeing Cartoon Network and Disney XD
I am liking Texas and California
I am from liking dogs
I am from liking guitar hero 5
I am from being a fan of the Internet
I am from surfin in the beach
I am from being bigger the my brother
I am from doing swimming and baseball
I am from liking the band KISS
I am from not cooking
I am from doing target of the question
I am from liking Family Guy
My Writting Territorries..
I am from reading books of Diary of a wimpy kid.
I am from spending o lot of time in video games.
I am from LOVING spider-man.
I am from travaling each year to Mexico.
I am from having a favorite game called FIFA 2010
I am from listening to wrap songs and ROCK as in AC/DC.
I am from always watching monday night RAW.
I am from being a student.
I am from playng soccer,football American and basketball.
I am from watching a lot of TV.
I am from being on the internet.
I am from NOT enjoing Hanna Montana and Selena Gomes.
I am from being a fan of spider-man.
I am from liking videos of MONTY PHYTHON!
I am from having two good teachers.
My writting Territories..
I am from Veracruz,Mexico.
I am from lerning in school.
I am from family whith no sistors or brothers.
I am from eting all kinds of food.
I am from comic books.
I am from soocer and football.
I am from not engoing spongbob.
I am from having alot of taim with my frends and my famili.
I am from doing crazi stuf.
I am from not coloring.
I am from not dislaiking merenge,bachata y salsa.
I am from playing autsaid every day.
I am from reding and writing.
I am from 9 years ould.
I am from playing alot xbox360.
I am from traing to bay a lebergini.
I am from not engoing barni.
Iam from ering pizza ,mexican food.
I from liking to draing cartons.
I from loving family guy.
I from loving GeReRo,Mexico.
I from loving sports cars and low Rider.
I am from likeng scary muvies and comedy unes two.
I from loving playing socer and Mexican football .
I am from likeng to boxe and karate
I frombeing a fan of joker and jaso.
I am from livingfrom spm and lil wayne.
I am from loving bikes ,making triks.
I am from loving raping .
I am from liking colegtin tec decs .
I am from loving spenin alat taim on you tube .
I am from loving game like granthe auto.
My Writting territorries..
My Ridieng Territories
I am from Monterey Nuevo Leon.
I am from a big family.
I am from Pizza,Landia.
I am from my favorite sccoer team !!!TIGRES!!!
I am from waching Family Guy and Total Drama Action.
I am from liking scary moveis like Texas Chainsaw Masicar.
I am from a group of friends Osvaldo, Andy and David.
I am from lisining to rock and rap.
I am from ingoing Emenes songs.
I am from having problems whith calling me names.
I am from eating Mexican and Chines food.
I am from liking BatMan.
I am from fearing sharcks.
I am from reading diry of a wimpy kid.
I am liking Guns and Roses and Metalica.
I am from having a dream of beaing
a millianer.
I am from risking my life fore my family.
I am from travoling to Galvestong Texas.
My Writing Territories
Sebastian Molina
Iam from Irving,TX.
I am from a student.
I am from a family with 2 sisters.
I am from eating lots of Mexican food.
I am from traveling to Mexico.
I am from loving Enanitos verdes.
I am from heating meat.
I am from playing soccer.
I am from fearing my nighmares.
I am from not enjoing merenge,norteno music.
I am from adoring Jhoan Sebastian.
I am from spending a lot of time in my PSP.
I am from prefering bread in the morning then pankackes.
I am from people that dont coock.
I am from Mary Pope Osborne boocks.
I am from being a big fan of superheroes.
I am from going to read evrey day.
I am from watching funny movies.
I am from being 9 years old.
I am from adoring Zeke and Luther.
I am from watching cartoons.
I am from non fiction boocks.
I am from good music.
I am from reading and science.
I am from playing alero football.
I am from Transformers the movie.
I am from a blue sky.
I am from where people drink lots of milk.
I am from a great family.
I am from where people drink Sprite not Dr.Pepper.
I am from pop music.
I am from Dallas Texas
I am from a studeant
I am from 5 sisters and me
I am from to eat food ''china''
I am from hear music ''AC/DC''and METALICA
I am from to see THE TWISLT ZONE
I am from to eat and INCREIBLE PIZZA
I am fromiring kokies
I am from to hear poems
I am from to play socer,basketbol,and beisbol
I am from like to eat B.K
Iam from loving winni the pooh
Iam from eatingdonuts
I am from reading superman comix
I am from not drinkin coke and sprite
Iam from waching spongebob,family guy,and icarly
I am from not eating soumeni pork
I am fromloving teat M
I am from no kookin
I am from loving eggs
I am from eating soumeni food
I am from loving dogs
I am from loving eating corn dods
My writting Territories
I am from Irving,TX.
I like to her metalica.
I like to cook.
I like to explore the world.
I am from loving Ben 10.
I am a sturent.
I am from eating a lot of chines food.
I am from loving spiderman.
I have 1 brother.
I like to see the twiliht zone.
I like video games.
I like futbol and soccer.
I am from heading beans.
I am from spending tons of time on the intternet.
I am from not ingoing merenge.
I am from odoring Hip-Hop.
I like to see scary movis.
I like to play star wars.
My favorite video is Family guy.
I dount like nintendo 64.
I like my dreams.
My favorite artist is Michal Jackson.
I like cicis pizza and BK.
I am 9 years old.
My favorite sport is futbol and soccer.
I am from bieng a fan of batman.
My Writing Territories
I am from a student of J.O Davis
I am from 9 years old
I am from L.A California
I am from loving to traveling
I am fromenjoing soccer
I am from fearing rats
I am from hearings rock bands
I am from adoring KISS
I am from heating pork
I am from saporting F.C Barcelona
I am from enjoing Wrestling
I am from wanting to go to Honduras or El Salvador
I am from wanting to learn
I am from having a sweet teacher and my family
I am from cooking to my brother
My Writing Territories
I am from El Paso,TX.
I am from loving playing video games.
I am from enjoying the rain.
I am from reading.
I am from liking different songs.
I am from hating fish.
I am from loving mango.
I am from not liking medacines.
I am from loving scary movies.
I am from enjoying eating different types of donuts.
I am from traveling to El Paso,TX.
I am from eating vegetables.
I am from hating ham and pork.
I am from adoring my family.
I am from loving the color green.
I am from liking the song Go Your Own Way.
I am from loving to ride roller coasters.
I am from playing tennis.
I am from not liking to sing.
I am from not liking honey.
I am from liking to go to western playland.
I am a student.
I am from reading books everyday.
I am from a family with 2 sisters.
I am from not eating meat.
I am from listening to different kinds of music.
I am from writing about things i see.
I am enjoying to go to Ripleys Believe it or Not.
I am fromt not enjoying to dance.
I am from enjoying to see the Twilight Zone.
I am from loving mexico
I am from loving my dog sombra
I am from going to mexico
Iam from dont love cats
I am from like MR.Carpio
I am from the second and my family
I am from see pbs kids
I am from lovig my family
I am from to like my mom and dad
I am from usa
I am from reading
I am from dont see family guy
I am from go to J.O davis elemantary
I am from like pizza and hambrugers
I am from dont sing
I am from having two sisters and one brother
I am from loving mario
I am from seeing the twilight zone
I am from likeing my friends
I am from loving my brothers
I am from the best fridend of yaizet perez
I am from likeing coke
I am from dont likeing barnie
I AM from dont like coke diet
I am from likeing adidas of shoes
I am from Piedras Negras,Mexico
I am from a student of Jo.Davis
I am from a family with 1 sister
I am from eating a lot of red meat and "fajitas'.
I am from taking a trip to
Austin Tx
I am from playing soccer and baseball.
I am fromdrinking Dr pepper and Pepsi
I am from listening to music on my I pod
I amfrom starding to like AC/DC MetaliA And i like MANA
I am from a soccer fan of Santos, Barcelona and Chivas
I am from loving IMAGINE THAT AND UP
I am from hating abocado
I am from geterified of rrats and haunted houses
I am from I am from spending tons of times on my bicikle
I am from prefering Sandwiches than "tortas" in the evening
I am from where people cook "tamales"
I am from I am from remenbering Barnie
I am from being a fan of Pokemon cards.
Ruben Torres
my writing teritories
I am from mesquite,tx.
I am from enjoying TAYLOR SWIFT.
I am from a family with 1 sister.
I am from having just 2 friends and there names are leslie and lisette.
I am from having a beatiful chihuahua dog and its name is lucky.
I am from not knowing monty phyton.
I am from liking my teacher and thinking he is cool.
I am from caring for animals.
I am from liking to sing.
I am from thinking poems are nice.
I am enjoying reading n' math.
I am from being terrified by ghosts.
I am from liking selena gomez.
I am from not liking metalica.
I am from supporting usa in soccer.
I am from not liking onions.
I am from worlds of different colors but mostly blue.
I am from loving my life!!!:)
My Writing Territories
I am from Grand Prairie,Tx.
I am a student.
I am from a family with 4 sisters and 1 brother.
I am from eating a lot of Mexican food.
I am from living in Irving,Tx.
I am from loving horses.
I am from singing Intocable and bachata.
I am from going to school to learn.
I am from getting crazy by pizza.
I am from dreaming to be a veterinarian.
I am from enjoying movies like Transformers.
I am from loving my family.
M writingy territories
I amfro Mexico
I am a student
I am from a famale of two
brothers and two sisters
I am from a fering gohst
I am from travaling araund the worid
I am from enjoying scare movies
I am from playing whit my sisters
I am from hating bachata end marenge
I am from eting fish
I am from playing whit my frends
I amfrom seing raw
I am from spending lots of time in the enternet
I am from going to church
I am from duing extersis
My writing territories
I am from Guatemala.
I am from like RAW and SMACKDOWN.
i am from my favorite wrestling TRIPLE H.
I am from espending time in soccer.
I am from a estuden.
I am from like chocolate.
I am from a green world.
I am from LOVIN math.
I am from a like tiwlight zone.
I am from my favorite book of spy.
I am from like METALICA and AS DC.
I am from my video game FIFA 2009.
I am from not enjoin ''salsa a bachata''
I am from like motorcycle.
I am from a family whit 2 brothers.
I am from like Tigers.
I am from LOVING supehero.
I am from like reading a writing.
I am from a like Chuke cheses.
I am from my team F.C. BARSELONA,ENGLAN,andF.C. MILAN.
Yo soy de cumpleaños el 3 de marzo
Yo soy de Ma Allen Texas
Yo soy de familia de 2 hermanas y hermano
Yo soy de 4 grado
Yo soy de 9 años
Yo soy de que me gusta los perros Husky
Yo soy de que me gusta el color azul
Yo soy de que me gusta la comida china
Yo soy de que me gusta la fruta
Yo soy de que quiero ser veterinaria
Yo soy de que me gusta jugar
Yo soy de que me gusta METALLICA
Yo soy de que me gusta aprender de cosas de antes
Yo soy de que no me gusta que les pegen a los animales
Yo soy de que no me gusta las medisinas
MY Writing Territories
1.I am from Dallas, Texas.
2.I am from Estudien.
3.I am from a Famili wet 1 sester.
4.I am from itin Mexican foot.
5.I am from andgoy TWILIGHT ZONE.
6.I am from andgoy 'SURPEREUES'.
7.I am from laqin cuqin foot.
8.I am from andgoy soccor.
9.I am from not andgioy binds.
10.I am from pepos do not danc.
11.I am from a famili dad hay em da big brdor.
12.I am from cuc fut of a dors canchri
13.I am from drikin DR.peper.
14.I am from andgoy salsa and meregue and aventura.
15.I am from laquin scaens.
My writing Territories.
yo soy de los
Estados Unidos.
Yo soy una estudiante.
Yo soy de una familia de 4 hermanas y 1 hermano.
Yo soy de comer poquito.
Yo soy de viajar a El Paso.
Yo soy de amando Little Men.
Yo soy de hodiar cebolla.
Yo soy de viviendo por el basketball.
Yo soy de tenerle temor a mi hermano y a los burros.
Yo soy de NO disfrutando BACHATA.
yo soy de adorar a los JONAS BROTHERS.
yo soy de estar mucho tiempo en mi telefono.
yo soy de preferir tomar leche en vez de tomar soda en la mañana.
yo soy de publico que SI BAILA Y COCINA.
yo soy de Barbara Park fantasticos libros.
yo soy de ser un fan de SUPER GIRL.
yo soy de darle clases a mi maestro Mr.Carpio.
yo soy de NO diendo bromas.
yo soy de cocinar con mi mama.
yo soy de amar el color MORADO.
My writing territories
I am from Irving,tx
I am from J.O.Davis
I am from loving Monty Phytho!!!!!
I am from sopporting F.C.BARCELONA
I am from traveling to Mexico
I am from riding horses
I am from loving cars
I am fromn a family theh 2 brother
I am from reding Edgar allan poe
I am from writing
I am from adorring Cristiano R.
I am from supporting AC/DC
I am from loving bachata
I am from loving Aventura
I am from Dallas, Texas.
I am from a family of 8 and I am the baby girl.
I am from romantic movies.
I am from loving Intocable.
I am from loving Spanish music.
I am from loving to dance Bachata.
I am from loving children’s books.
I am from loving kids.
I am from shopping.
I am from turtles.
I am from NOT enjoying music you can’t understand what they are saying.
I am from eating chicken.
I am from enjoying flavored pancakes. Yum, yum!
I am from enjoying the beach and water parks.
I am from enjoying Chinese food.
I am from living my dream of being a teacher.
I am from hating death.
I am from treating my nephews and nieces as my own kids.
I am from hoping to find my prince charming some day.
I am from LOVING to play Taboo.
I am from enjoying the holidays and eating lots of yummy food.
I am from LOVING to bake.
I am from disliking people who DO NOT know how to drive and they are on the road.
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