On Wednesday, March the 5th, all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders in Texas are taking the State tests called TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knoweldege Skills). Our Fantastic 4th Graders will be taking the Writing portion of this exam. This includes 28 questions where the students will need to edit and correct sentences from different stories. After that, they will write an interesting story of 2 pages (or 1 and a half) following the prompt will be given to them.
What are the strategies you will use tomorrow to attack the TAKS?
El miercoles 5 de marzo, todos los estudiantes de tercer,cuarto y quinto grados de Texas tomaran los esxamenes del estado (TAKS). Nuestros fantasticos chicos del cuarto grado se dedicaran a la parte de escritura. Incluye 28 preguntas donde ellos deberan editar y corregir oraciones de distintas historias. Luego de eso, escribiran una interesante historia de 2 paginas (o de pagina y media) siguiendo el tema que se les pida.
Cuales son las estrategias que usaran manhana para atacar al TAKS?