miércoles, 6 de enero de 2010

Resolutions for 2010!!!

A new year is a new and a fresh start! 2009 is over and we learned so many things and we lived all kinds of experiences, some of them great and some of them not very positive, but still useful. We know a little more and better than a year ago and we can take better decisions based on those experiences.

As a tradition, people like to make diverse promises when a new year is born. Those are called 'resolutions'. Personally, I (Mr. Carpio) do that during the first hours of my birthday (April 11... start saving some money for my presents, guys), but, in order to participate with you, I will join you and share some of my resolutions for 2011... I mean, 2010!

Soooooooooooo... go ahead and tell me about your GOOD purposes for this new year.